My January Resolutions 2017

Happy 2017! If you’re anything like me you’ve probably spent a lot of the day tired, and blurry eyed thinking about the year to come.

Although, a lot of people set goals for the year at this time, I find it more useful to set more manageable monthly goals. Mainly because I find that I’m more likely to stick to shorter term goals that are about doing specific things, rather than vaguer aims like ‘being healthier’ and ‘exercising more’. 

So for this month I’m aiming to:

  • Eat evening meals at the dining table instead of in front of the TV.
  • Text my brother who lives abroad at least once a week (this really means updating my phone apps so we can actually stay in touch)! 
  • Keep updating this blog at least once a week. 
  • Update my CV. 
  • Find a new exercise class to attend every week.
  • Drink more water. 
  • Start writing a bullet journal.
  • Learn to meditate (and download a meditation app).
  • Complete a ’30 Days of Yoga’ video series.
  • Sort out my email inbox and unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters.
  • Try Veganary (or at least cut down on eating animal products).
  • Develop and stick to a skincare routine. 

Fingers crossed I’ll stick to them, and I look forward to making these small changes that will help me be more organised, healthy and mindful.